How to Add a New Default Search Engine to Safari on the iPhone or other iOS device (in my case swagbucks)

Posted by grant on June 1, 2012 in Uncategorized |

FYI Most of this info can be found here LifeHacker Article
If you prefer a search engine other than Google, Bing, or Yahoo, you can add it to Safari on iOS with this jailbreak hack.

I found a way in the from several articles and forums and it works great. All you need is a jailbroken iOS device with iFile installed (NOTE: iFile is not the only way to edit this file so it can be done for free and there are also hacked versions of iFile that are free but I wont cover that in this post) .

You can pick another provider if you wish, but I like getting credits for my searches so I get free stuff, so I use swagbucks.. and I can use it from my iphone now.. if you havent tried swagbucks, please check them out.. you have nothing to loose.. here is a referral link

Launch iFile and go to this location
Inside the Safari menu, find the SearchEngines.plist file, which should be fourth in the list. Tapping the button will bring up a new menu, and you have to select the second option from it, labelled Property List Viewer.
Select SearchProviderList from the next screen.
Now, you would be in an area with the heading Dictionary. Hit the ‘+’ button in the bottom right corner.
Tap SearchProviderList and choose the Dictionary option from the resulting directory tree. You will have to repeat this step again and again, and keep adding the values and fields described below. (hint: since a couple lines wrap around note each entry starts with “Name:”

Name: ScriptingName; Type: String; Value: SwagBucks
Name: SearchURLTemplate; Type: String; Value: http://search.swagbucks.com/?sfp=h&t=w&p=1&isHomeMain=true&q={searchTerms}
Name: ShortName; Type: String; Value: SwagBucks
Name: SuggestionsURLTemplate; Type: String; Value: http://search.swagbucks.com/?cmd=m-switch&on=1
Name: Default; Type: Boolean; Value: On

I mostly wrote this up for my own reference as I had to figure out the swagbucks url’s myself etc but if you need help with this or more info about it or other jailbreaking info.. by all means.. let me know..


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